So I have recently bought some doTERRA oils which I am very excited about, see here. I think they are really great, so here are the three main benefits I have found so far:


I deliberately got the balance blend to reduce feelings of anxiety when flying. I put two drops on the soles of my feet and I really did feel calm. It was obviously still unpleasant, as I don’t like to fly but I didn’t panic and I think they had a positive impact on that. So I would definitely recommend that blend for reducing any feelings of anxiety.


Inhaling a drop of the lavender oil in the evening before bed helps me to wind down. I’ve also tried putting a drop or two on my pillow which also makes for a really nice, uninterrupted sleep. I can find it hard to get to sleep but this stuff makes me fall asleep so much quicker than usual.


Maybe it’s all psychological, but taking any of the citrus oils really lifts my mood – I feel more energised and positive about the day. The lemon or wild orange ones are great and you can even have a drop in a glass of water which makes it super tasty.

So that’s my experience so far of essential oils. I would heartily recommend these oils to everyone and I’m excited to try more!

Lots of love,

Sunny Kitty

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Smeeeff says:

    I adore this sort of stuff. I am forever putting a drop or two of lavender on my pillow to help me sleep. I’m excited to see what you find with all these.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sunny Kitty says:

      Glad there are some fellow oil-lovers out there – they really are great! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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